Thursday 16 May 2013

Ginger roots and its health benefits


It is underground rhizome of the ginger plant. Its botanical name is zingiber officinale. Its flesh can be white, brown or red depending upon its variety. It is covered with brownish skin. It resembles light brown knotted root. It has thin grass like dark green leaves and small yellow flowers. It is native of South East Asia. It is grown all over the world but main commercial producers are India, Fiji, Jamaica, and Indonesia. The fresh or dried ginger and its powder is available in market

Chemical composition

It has vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, insoluble and soluble fiber, carbohydrates and more.  It has minerals such as potassium, manganese, copper and magnesium. It contains vitamins B5 and B6, which are good for optimum health. Potassium is important compound of cells and body fluids, and helps control B.P. and heart rate. It contains potent ant-inflammatory compound called gingerols. Its taste is aromatic, pungent and hot.

Health benefits

Gastrointestinal relief

It is very effective in preventing motion sickness, flatulence and reduces all symptoms associated with it, such as nausea, dizziness, vomiting and cold sweating. It helps to settle stomach. It has anti-inflammatory, carmonative, antiflatulant, and anti-microbial properties. It gives effective relief from nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Its anti-inflammatory action has been shown to be very useful in reducing nausea and vomiting in pregnancy even of severe form. Unlike anti vomiting drugs which can cause birth defects, ginger is completely safe and only a small dose is required.


Its anti-inflammatory compounds called gingeroles is believed to reduce pain levels and inflammation and improves mobility in arthritis problems. Regular consumption of ginger by people with arthritis related problems such as aging knees significantly reduces pain and swelling.

Common cold and flu

It is used as warmer in a cold day by putting into tea or milk. It may help by relieving symptoms of cold and flu. It is used as a tea herb by blending with cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and nutmeg. It plays dual role both as herbal remedy and spice. It makes popular herbal drinks by adding lemon juice and honey to relieve cold coughs and sore throat. It is natural decongestant, as well as anti histamine making it perfect remedy for common cold.

Heart health

It promotes heart health by inhibiting cholesterol production in liver and strengthens heart. It decreases activity of clotting agent PAF which creates clot possibly resulting in heart attack or stroke.


The gingerole, main active ingredient of ginger, may inhibit the growth of human colorectal cancer cells. Its extract has shown anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effect on ovarian cancer cells. It has very high level of anti-oxidant, higher than many berries making it an excellent defender against cell damage and associated disease caused by free radicals. Anti-oxidant activities thought to explain its possible anti-cancer effects. It has the ability to decrease cancer cell proliferation and suppress mechanism that initiates cancer cell activation, Study shows that it has ability to defeat several types of cancer cells including some most aggressive and difficult to treat lung, ovarian, colon, breast and prostate cancers.


Various studies show that it can prevent and treat diabetes, along with related ability to reduce blood sugar, cholesterol. It reduces incidence of diabetic nephropathy, the kidney damage.


It has ability to treat most difficult to treat and drug resistant fungal infection.

Migraine relief

Study shows that it may provide migraine relief due to its ability to stop prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels.

Other uses

It has special place in Indian traditional medicines and Chinese medicines for its unique phytochemical which are known to have disease preventing and health promoting properties. It promotes health sweating. A good sweat may assist detoxification. Studies have found that this sweat contains potential germ fighting agent which may help fighting infection. It is so concentrated with active substances that you don’t have to use much to get its benefits.

It is used in treatment of menstrual cramps as a herbal remedy. As a herbal remedy it has history going back thousand years. In addition to its numerous health benefits, in India, it is liberally used in daily life. It enhances flavour of savory dishes, curries, sweet dishes, cookies and ginger breads, Ginger candy is sold in Asian markets in hard and soft chew form. It makes tasty refreshing cold drink by adding into sugarcane juice with lemon,

Side effects

As it works as blood thinner, if you are on blood thinning medicine or clotting disorder or have gall bladder problem, don’t take medicinal dose of it. Excessive use may cause gastro intestinal upset.

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