Saturday 12 January 2013

Structure of Astral Body

In the previous post of human body. We have seen that human body is made up of physical body and astral body (subtle body). Scientist have detailed knowledge of physical body. We also learn about working of physical body in school and colleges, but we are not taught about astral body. As we know, astral body is primary body to develop illness and heal illness, detailed knowledge of its structure and its function is absolutely essential. Astral body is mainly made up of nadis(life force energy flowing channels), chakras(energy centres) and kundalini(dormant serpent power). it is necessary to study their location, function and nature.

In this post, I am going to write about nadis.

Nadis (life force energy flowing channels)

Nadis are subtle passages to flow pran or vital force energy in every cell of the body. They are astral tubes made up of astral or subtle matter. Since they are made up of astral matter they cannot be seen by naked eyes or by existing modern scientific instruments. They are not ordinary nerves or arteries or veins. They are quite different from them.

Nadis play vital part in functioning of astral body. They are innumerable so that they cannot be counted, but yogis state number of nadis between 72000 and 350000. Out of innumerable nadis, 14 nadis are said to be important. Out of those 14 nadis, 3 nadis i.e. ida , pingala and sushumana are most important. Sushumana is the main nadi.

Ida nadi start from the left testicle and pingala nadi from right testicle. Ida flows through the left nostril and pingala flows through the right nostril. Ida is associated with lunar energy, It is the Chandra(moon), nadi and has cooling effect. It is feminine energy and is associated with the right side of the brain. It controls all the mental processes. Pingala nadi is associated with solar energy. It is surya(sun) nadi and has heating effect and digests foods. It is masculine energy.

Sushumna nadi starts at first crossing of ida and pingla nadi, which is situated at the base of the spine between the anus and the root of the reproductive organs. Also at the place, muladhar [root] chakra is situated. Sushumna is dropped within the spinal canal. Ida and pinagla nadis spirals around sushumna like the double helix of our DNA, crossing each other at every chakra along the spine. All nadis meet at ajna [third eye] chakra, midway between the eyebrows. When nadis are full of impurities, the pran cannot pass through sushumna. Sushumna is activated when the breathe flows through both the nostrils simultaneously. When pran flows through sushumna, the mind becomes steady and calm, the highest state of yoga. When this system works freely and efficiently, we are vital and healthy, physically and mentally. When it becomes congested or obstructed, we become sick physically and mentally. Nadis can be cleaned or purified by certain yoga practices such as anulom vilom pranayam(alternate nostril breathing).

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