Thursday 24 January 2013

Muladhar (Root) Chakra

In this post, I will write about muladhar chakra, the first of seven chakras of energy system of astral body.


Muladhar is a Sanskrit word. ‘Mul’ means ‘root’ and ‘adhara’ means ‘support’. All other chakras are above this and it provides support for our physical existence, so it is called muladhar chakra.


It is situated at the base of spine in the vicinity of the coccygeal plexus. It lies between anus and the reproductive organs, two fingers above anus and two fingers below the reproductive organs. It is at the junction where ida, pingala and sushumna nadis meet. Its superficial activation point is situated on the perineum close to the anus. The great potential spiritual energy, kundalini, is sleeping here waiting to be awakened.


Four important nadis are emanating here, which appears as the four petals of the lotus flower. Its colour is bright red. It is associated with the element earth, the heaviest of all the five physical elements. It is rotating anti-clockwise. Seed mantra or sound to activate it is ‘lam’. The endocrine gland related to it, is prostate gland and adrenal gland. The body functions associated with it is elimination and sex drive. Body parts related with it are anus, reproductive organs, legs, knees etc.


The muladhar chakra has to work at optimum for energy to start moving upward. When energy moves upwards, you become more and more silent and the mind becomes steady. Silence, calmness and coolness are by products of energy moving upwards. Tension, anger and irritation are signs of energy moving downwards. At this first chakra, there is energy of sex, the lowest form of energy. We live life at minimum.  When that energy is little purified, it becomes energy of love. When energy of love is purified, it becomes spiritual energy. Efficient working of muladhar chakra gives us vitality, vigour, growth, health etc.

 The physical symptoms of malfunctioning of muladhar chakra are obesity, legs and knees problem, prostate cancer, back aches, painful or frequent urination etc. The emotional symptoms are uncertainty about money and future, holding on to old ideas, anger of the past, blaming others, deep grief etc.

The dysfunctional muladhar chakra can be healed by certain yoga practices such as mulabandha, meditation and yoga asanas.

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