Tuesday 16 April 2013

Vishuddhi chakra

In this post I will write about Vishuddhi chakra, the fifth chakra of human energy system.


It is the fifth primary chakra of the human energy system. Vishuddhi is Sanskrit word. This word is derived from ‘shuddhi’, which means to purify, so this is the purification centre, purification of the entire negative and positive sanskars [cellular memories] take place here. ‘Vish’ means impurity, pain or poison. Shuddhi means to purify. This chakra not only purifies the physical body, but also on the level of the psychic and mind and dissolves granthi [knot] of pain. It is also called throat chakra.


It is situated in carotid plexus, directly behind throat pit. It is located at the neck region of the spine. It is at the fifth junction of ida, pingla and sushumna crossing. The superficial activation point is little below adam’s apple in throat pit.


It is a solid soft ball of energy in bright sky blue colour in its clear state. Sixteen yoga nadi emanating from here looks like 16-petalled lotus flower. It is rotating clockwise. Seed mantra to stimulate this chakra is sound ‘ham’. It is associated with the physical element of ether or space [akash], the most subtle physical element corresponding to what we find in deep space. The ether is the cross over between the physical and spiritual dimension. Above this chakra, all other chakras are belonging to manas tatva. The endocrine gland associated with this chakra is thyroid and parathyroid gland. These produce hormone essential for growth, maturation and control calcium absorption and general metabolism. Body parts associated with it are throat, neck, shoulder, arms and hands. Physical body counterparts are pharyngeal and laryngeal nerve plexi.


This chakra, first and foremost, is associated with communication and creativity. It is linked to our creativity and ability to communicate. Here, rising energy is transformed to energy of communication. When this chakra is opened, you are able to communicate your thoughts, feelings and desires. You are also able to speak for yourself and effectively communicate your needs to others. You fully express yourself without fear of rejection.

This chakra is associated with abundance. Here, you are at state of consciousness called ‘grace’, where it seems that what you want for you is also what God wants for you. It is also associated with listening to one’s intuition. When this chakra is working in balance, you live in particular way, where it seems that the universe supports you in all that you do and desire. It is the first level of consciousness from which one perceives and interacts another level of intelligence functioning.

When this chakra is opened you are able to receive the thought vibrations from other people’s mind. This chakra is a gate through which we are able to take our consciousness to higher level. It is the border between physical and astral levels, between consciousness and super consciousness. It is a place from which consciousness ascends towards higher realms of awareness. It creates conscious connection with the higher wisdom of the universe. It is our centre for harmony and teaches us how to resonate within ourselves and universe.

This chakra is our spiritual voice. It allows our creative ideas to manifest in our lives. Someone looking at the world through this chakra sees the manifestation of their goals. It helps to convey the truth from your heart and ideas from your mind.

The awakened and balanced Vishuddhi chakra unleashes an unlimited feeling of happiness and freedom which allows our wisdom, abilities and skills to blossom. All jealousies and envy are removed. Tendency to dominate others and to be dominated by others, the feeling of superiority and inferiority removed. It gives us connection with the whole universe enabling us to feel our oneness and part and parcel of the whole.

This chakra is centre for physical, emotional and spiritual purification. With help of this chakra, we can get rid ourselves of toxic substances we absorb from environment as well as mental impurities. We can purify and detoxify our body from harmful substances accumulated in the body from food we eat and drink and air we breathe. At mental level, thoughts, emotions, consciousness and sub consciousness is purified, harmonized and balanced by this chakra. Here, we can quieten our thoughts emotions and bring them into harmony. This way we protect ourselves from harmful actions and prevent others injuring from our harmful actions. We discover great self-respect and greater respect for others. At this chakra, we begin to articulate our emotions and desires and learn to control them.

The divine fluid known as ‘amrut’ or ‘nectar of mortality’ is produced in bindu chakra. There is another centre called lalana chakra is situated between bindu and Vishuddhi chakra and it is closely related to Vishuddhi chakra. When nectar is produced, it flows down and stored in lalana chakra. This divine fluid has dual nature. It can act as both nectar and poison. Up to lalana, it is undifferentiated, neither poison nor nectar. As long as Vishuddhi chakra is inactive, when that fluid flows down from lalana, it is consumed by the fire of Manipur chakra, resulting in process of decay, degeneration and finally death of body tissues. When this chakra is awakened and that fluid pass through here, nectar and poison gets separated. Poison is discarded and nectar is retained. Not only internal poisons are nullified, but external poisons are also neutralized and rendered ineffective. This is the power of this chakra.

The nerve called kurma nadi [tortoise nadi] is associated with this chakra. When this chakra is opened, this nadi starts functioning; you will be able to control your desire of food and drink. Process of rejuvenation starts, which balances ongoing aging process. He gains complete knowledge of scriptures and knowledge of past, present and future [trikal gnan]. Negative experiences are transformed into wisdom and learning. Mystical power of levitation is gained. One can gain the ability to shrink to the size of atom or the power to increase in size according to his desire.

 By meditating on this chakra, one gets full knowledge of the four Vedas, gain power such as freedom from disease and old age, destruction of danger and ability to move in three worlds.

When this chakra is underactive, one tends not to speak much and shy. When it is overactive, one tends to speak too much and keep people at distance. When it is active and in balance, you have no problem expressing yourself. Even you can do it as an artist. It is the connecting point between the head and body. It is not only entrance point of food and drinks, but also the point where speech is formed and exits the body.

Dysfunctional Vishuddhi chakra causes physical problems such as asthma, ear infection, hearing problems, tinnitus, throat, teeth and gum problem and thyroid problem. At emotional level, it can cause mental confusion, mental eruptions, inability to say yes or no.

This chakra can be activated and balanced by certain yogic exercises such as jalandharbandha and khechari mudra and asanas such as matsyasana.

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