Sunday 18 November 2012

Rhythmic Breathing Practice

In this post, I am going to explain how to practise rhythmic breathing. To practise, follow the steps below:
  1. Take a ticking wall clock or pre-recorded music. You can download from the 3SRB site.
  2. Lie flat on the floor or bed.
  3. Put the clock near your ears, so that you can hear the ticking sound, or start the music.
  4. Place one hand on the chest and the other on the upper abdomen.
  5. In the first three seconds, inhale slowly so both the hands rise simultaneously with the chest and abdomen.
  6. In the next two seconds, exhale a little forcefully, so that both the hands lower with the chest and abdomen. This completes one breath cycle.
  7. Repeat the above steps to practise.

In the beginning, practise for 5 minutes, and then gradually increase the duration. To establish the rhythm quickly, it is more effective to practise this just before sleeping. In the beginning, you may practise as deep breathing exercise, but by practise it becomes a normal way of breathing. Your ultimate aim is to make it a normal breathing.  So when you practise consciously, try to make it a smooth inhalation and exhalation without jerks or breaks in between. The volume should be same as normal breathing. As your chest muscles get accustomed, practise while sitting on the floor or chair. Anytime, whenever you are free, look at your wrist watch and practice. You can make use of modern music gadgets like MP3 player while working.

It takes different times to establish the rhythm, depending on how long and often you practice daily, and how much negative emotions are attached to the past and earlier life. Even daily conscious practice of 30 minutes will show positive changes in thoughts, emotions, feeling, energy levels, physical health etc.\

Related links where you can get more information:

1. Introduction to Rhythmic Breathing
2. An introduction to 3 Step Rhythmic Breathing (3SRB) by Parth Sejpal
3. Stress Relief Techniques 1: Rhythmic Breathing
4. Meditate Now Making Your Breath Rhythmic
5. Rhythmic Breathing Exercise

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