Saturday, 20 April 2013

How to activate and open vishuddhi (throat) chakra

In this post, I will write about different ways of activating and opening vishuddhi chakra.

1. By yogic exercises

Yogic exercise such as jalandhar bandh [throat lock] and khechari mudra helps to open vishuddhi chakra.

2. By yogic asanas

Yogic asanas such as matsyasana [fish pose] is good to open vishuddhi chakra.
  • Lie flat on your back with your legs outstretched and feet together.
  • Slide your arms under your back, palms facing down and your buttocks resting on your hands, elbows facing down and together as possible.
  • Push down on your elbows and lift your chest off the floors, head to bend backwards so crown of head lightly touching floor. It will form an arch of your back, chest and neck,
  • Hold posture as you breathe from opened chest and throat.
  • When you are ready to release the posture, release slowly, put your arms on your side and relax.

3. By om chanting

Systematically chanting om with low and soft voice is a very good activity to open this chakra. It also raises vibration tone of the whole body and helps to concentrate and calm the mind.

4. By refining exercises

Refining exercise no.6 in the set of refining exercises is very good to activate, open and to balance this chakra.
  • Take deep breath through the nose, close the mouth and block both nostril with the finger and thumb.
  • Press the chin tightly in pit of throat
  • Put other hand on the head
  • Now swallow the saliva 5 times in this pose as an act of drinking water.
  • Release posture and unblock nostril.

This exercise activates all 5 sense organs. It cleans sinuses and cures throat and thyroid problems. It enhances functions of pituitary gland, the master gland, which regulates the release of hormones from other glands. This exercise dissolves the granthi [knot] of pain which forms at vishuddhi chakra. By doing this exercise for long time, slowly we regain the capacity to absorb pain in life and create higher energies from pain for our evolution. Balanced and proper working of this chakra takes care of all overpowering weaknesses.

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