In this post, I am going to write about how my three blocked coronary arteries got cleared by exercises.
In early 2008, I started feeling discomfort in my chest while walking and doing other daily normal activities. I went for the medical checkup where the doctors found that I had three of my coronary arteries blocked in various degrees and high cholesterol. The doctors advised for bypass surgery.
While deciding on what to do, I read about a health workshop in which they where teaching exercises which could clear blocked arteries. I went there and learned these exercises and started doing them regularly.
Day by day, I started to feel some improvement. After 3 to 4 months, I became quite well. After 1 year, when I went back for medical checkup all reports were normal, and the doctors said there is no heart problem.
These are the exercises that I started and am still continuing to date:
1. Tension relaxation Exercises.
These consist of 7 exercises taking around 10 minutes in total. By releasing muscular tension, it improves blood and life force circulation. It removes waste collected in joints and muscles, thus relieving pain and nerves become stronger.
2. Swiso
It is done by hand movements while standing with music at 36 breathes per minute. This is done for one minute. Swiso relieves one from chest pain, shoulder pain. It also relieves one from heart and lung problems.
3. Refining Exercises
These consist of six exercises taking a minute each. Each one deals with different areas of the body. As the name suggests, the exercises refine the body. They are very useful in cardiovascular diseases such as artery and valve blockages, palpitation, high and low blood pressure; diabetes, acidity, constipation, arthritis etc.
4. Gold nugget
By 40 seconds of this exercise, perineum area gets activated, where endocrine glands are interconnected. It balances and improves efficiency of endocrine glands. Life force is upgraded. It is a spiritual exercise.
You can read more about these exercises at the
official 3SRB site.
Indeed by doing these exercises, I bypassed the bypass surgery. To date I am still doing these exercises and enjoying perfect and total health.
In the future posts, I am going to write more about these exercises and other health issue.
Questions and comments are most welcome.