It is a fourth primary chakra of human energy system. Anahata is a Sanskrit word. It literally means unhurt, unbeaten or unstruck. Anahata nad refers to Vedic concept of unstruck sound, the sound of celestial realm. It is also called heart chakra.Location
It is located in the heart region, along spine, at the fourth junction of ida, pingla and sushumna nadi crossing. Superficial activation point is between two breasts at the heart area.Structure
It is a solid ball of energy in green colour in its clear state. 12 subtle nadis emanating from here which looks like 12-petalled lotus flower. Its secondary colour is pink. It is rotating clockwise. Seed mantra to activate this chakra is ‘yam’. It is associated with the physical element of air, more subtle and more powerful than the previous three elements. Endocrine gland associated with it is thymus gland. Body organs connected with this chakra are heart, lungs and chest. It corresponds to the cardiac plexus in physical body. It is at the centre of the chakra system. It is a balance point integrating world of matter (3 lower chakras) and word of spirit (3 upper chakras). Body functions associated with it are respiration and circulation.Working
Anahata chakra pumps and circulates pran [life force energy] in nadis [pran circulating channels] in astral body. As heart is a very important organ in physical body, anahata chakra is also an important part of human energy system of astral body.This chakra is the seat of anahata nad, the primal sound of shabda bhrahama [Brahama manifesting as sound] is heard here. The anahata nad is the most subtle cosmic sound which is experienced only in highest state of meditation. This sound is not caused by striking the objects together or by external friction. It can’t be heard by the ear, by the mind or even by the psychic. It is transcendental sound which can only be perceived by pure consciousness.
In the 3 lower chakras, a person is bound by the law of karma and fate he has in store for him, but in anahata chakra, a person has the ability to make decisions following his heart, based upon one’s higher self and not on material desire of lower nature and not from unfulfilled emotions. Here, a person has the ability to make decisions outside of redeem of karma.
It is considered the seat of jivatma, i.e. the soul. It is our inner temple where divine atma resides. To show something belonging to him, he points at the centre of chest, the site of anahata chakra. This shows clearly that one’s atma is at heart centre.
It is the centre of divine love. Positive qualities attached to this chakra are love, joy, peace, happiness, kindness, passions, harmony, clarity, forgiveness, self-control etc. It is a humanitarian centre. When it is opened you are likely to become involved in social causes. In Chinese system of energy healing, this centre believed to transform qi energy to spirit energy. It anchors the life force energy from higher self, energizes blood and physical body with the life force energy.
The second physic knot, the Vishnu granthi, which represents the bondage of emotional attachment, is located here. When this knot is opened, one becomes free from all selfishness and emotional instability and enters a state of divine unconditional love.
This chakra deals with the emotion of love, courage and compassion. When this chakra is opened and is working in balance, you are able to radiate love for yourself and others and express love unconditionally rather than depending upon others to love you. Your senses are completely under control. When this chakra is opened, our love becomes divine and infinite. The most powerful way to open and balance anahata chakra is to love yourself and others. Love is the greatest healing energy. Opened and balanced heart chakra can have natural healing effects on others. Power arising from this chakra is sankalpa shakti (ability to fulfill desires). At this level, you integrate your physical being with your spiritual self.
Physical symptoms of dysfunctional anahata chakra as breast cancer, circulation problem, heart and lung disease, high BP, sleep disorders, breathing problems etc.
Emotional symptoms of dysfunctional anahata chakra are tired of life, intense sadness, grief, hopelessness, despair etc.
Anahata chakra can be activated by certain yoga asanas and pranayams. Pranayams of all forms helps to activate and balance this chakra. Meditation on this chakra brings about some occult powers. He has full control over the element of air. He can enter the body of another at will and fly in air. He gets cosmic love and divine qualities.