Monday, 25 February 2013

How to Reverse and Cure Cardiovascular Disease Naturally

Here, I will write about cardiovascular disease, which I had, and how I managed to reverse and cure it.

Cardiovascular diseases


Any disease that affects cardiovascular system is cardiovascular disease. It involves heart and blood vessels such as arteries, veins and capillaries. There are many types of cardiovascular diseases, but here I will discuss about coronary heart disease.

It is the biggest cause of death and the most common disease to affect normal life worldwide. In developing countries it is increasing at an alarming rate. Mortality rate has declined in rich countries but death has increased in low income countries.

Causes of this disease are said to be sedentary life style, excessive use of fats in foods, high B.P., diabetes, smoking or use of alcohol, high level of cholesterol and excessive use of chemicals In growing of foods, heredity etc.

Certain risk factors, such as age, gender, family history are unchangeable, but certain factors such as lifestyle change, physical activity, smoking and excessive use of alcohol can be modified in a positive way. Those who have family history should modify their lifestyle and take early precautions such as healthy eating, exercise, avoidance of smoking and drinking and controlling stress.

What happens in coronary heart disease

When waxy substance in blood serum called cholesterol gets deposited on walls of arteries, it forms hard substance called plaque. This process is called atherosclerosis. Over time it causes narrowing or hardening of arteries causing decreased flow of blood. When it affects heart arteries, the condition is called coronary heart disease [CHD] and puts a person at the risk of heart attack. When it affects brain vessels, it is called cerebral vascular disease and puts a person at risk of stroke. It may affect blood flow to other vital organs such as kidneys or intestines.

When you are at rest, coronary heart disease does not give you much problem, but when you are under physical or mental stress or under fight or flight situation heart needs to work more and require more blood supply to its muscles. Here, real problem comes. At that time you feel discomfort or chest pain called angina in various degree depending on the degree of narrowing or blockages of coronary arteries. If the blockage is more, you may get heart attack.

What is cholesterol

Cholesterol is an organic chemical substance, classified as waxy steroid fat. It resembles the very fine scraping of a whitish yellow candle. It is produced in liver. Enzyme called HMG-COA reductase plays a central role in the production of cholesterol. The liver produces it by biosynthesis at regulated rate. It is also found in certain foods.

Cholesterol is a necessary substance in body for efficient functioning of every cells and the whole body system. There are three main functions of cholesterol in the body:
  1. It is an essential structural component of outer coating of cells called cell membrane.
  2. It makes up bile acids that work to digest fat in intestines.
  3. It allows body to make vitamin D and hormones like estrogen in women and testosterone in male.

The liver produces about 100mg of it in a day. Others we get from the food we eat.
Cholesterol is a type of lipid. Lipids are fats that are found throughout the body. Lipids are oil-based and blood is water-based. They don’t mix. So cholesterol cannot travel alone through the blood stream. It has to combine with other protein. This protein acts like a carrier picking cholesterol and transporting it to the different parts of the body. When this happens, that substance is called lipoproteins (Lipids + proteins). There are two most important lipoproteins in the body:
  1. LDL – Low Density L:ipoprotein
  2. HDL – High Density Lipoprotein

1. LDL

If there is more lipid and less protein in lipoprotein, it is less dense. So it s called low density lipoprotein. LDL has tendency to build up on the walls of arteries and promotes atherosclerosis and increases chances of heart diseases. That’s why it is called bad cholesterol. Lower the number in blood serum, lower the risk. It should be 100-129mg/dl.

2. HDL

In this type of lipoprotein, lipid is less and protein is more, so it is more dense. It is called high density lipoprotein. It has very opposite effect on body than LDL. It protects against heart diseases by talking away LDL – bad cholesterol from the blood stream keeping it from building up on arteries, so it is called good cholesterol. Higher the number, lower the risk. It should be 55mg/dl or above.


This is another fatty substance in blood serum measured during lipid profile. They are fats from certain foods we eat. It should be less than 150mg/dl.
Total cholesterol It is the measure of HDL, LDL and other lipid components. In lipid profile test, it should be less than 200mg/dl.

Process of atherosclerosis starts at early age and keeps going on. If you have family history of coronary heart problems than you should start taking early precautions.

In a treadmill test, echocardiogram and lipid profile test, if you are positive for CHD, following measures may help to delay or reverse the cardio heart disease:

Diet control Foods like eggs, meats, bitter, ghee, cheese, ice cream are loaded with cholesterol. You can avoid them or take in control. Vegetables, fruits and grains contain none. Those, you can take as much as you like.


Certain aerobic exercises may help in CHD. Brisk walk is a good exercise. You should walk 30-40 minutes daily. Certain yoga poses and pranayams may help in controlling CHD. You can find more information from relevant source.


You should take medicines regularly as advised by physicians without fail. After doing some exercises, even if you feel better, don’t stop or reduce dose without consulting the doctor.

How I managed to reverse and cure CHD

Being aware of our family history of cardiovascular disease, I started taking precautions at age of about 45 years of age. I stopped using ghee and butter, and eating oil-fried food in controlled amount. I am non-smoker and have never used alcohol. I am a pure vegetarian. Being a mechanical engineer by profession, I have an active lifestyle. I do daily walk of about 30-40 minutes.

Despite taking all the above precautions, I started feeling discomfort in 2008 at the age of 59 years while doing normal duties. I went for medical checkup. Treadmill test report and lipid profile report was positive for CHD. The doctors advised me to go for further checkup and angiography.

Due to fear of bypass surgery, instead of going for angiography, I went for EECP (Enhanced External Counter Pulsation) which was offered in a special heart hospital. There, in noninvasive testing called cartography, they found I had my three coronary arteries blocked in various degrees. Then the doctor advised me, either to take EECP treatment or go for bypass surgery. I opted for EECP. It is a noninvasive computerized treatment of 35 days, daily one hour, outpatient. They claimed to open collateral arteries of heart muscles by this treatment, so heart muscles get enough blood in area which was lacking blood due to blocked arteries. Daily, I was going for treatment and days were passing without any signs of improvement. At the end of 35 days, I did not feel any improvement of the symptoms.
While thinking and praying to God on what to do next, one day suddenly I saw some news item in a newspaper that there is a yoga workshop where they teach some exercises, claimed to reverse CHD and clear blocked arteries. I went there and learned the exercises. I bought some DVDs and books about the exercises.

In June 2008, I started doing these exercises regularly as explained. After doing them for about 4-5 months, I started feeling better while walking and doing normal duties. After 7-8 months, I felt a definite and sure improvement while climbing stairs and fast walking. After doing them for about 2 years, I went back for medical checkup. Treadmill test and echocardiogram was negative for CHD. Lipid profile parameters came in normal range. The doctor told me that I don’t have any heart problem. I am still doing these exercises and living a happy, healthy life.

In the next post, I will write about how the set of exercises work.

Friday, 22 February 2013

How to Open and Balance Manipur Chakra

In this post I will write about different ways to open and balance Manipur chakra.

By meditation

  • Sit on floor cross legged or on chair with straight back.
  • Close your eyes and take your consciousness at the location of Manipur chakra in the body.
  • Imagine solid soft ball of energy of bright yellow colour in its clear state rotating anticlockwise. Mentally chant the sound ‘Ram’
  • Continue for a few minutes.
  • When you fill complete, open your eyes and relax.

By yogic exercises

The following two exercises are helpful to open Manipur chakra.

1. Udiyanbandh

  • Sit on floor cross legged.
  • Inhale a little and then exhale completely, then pull your whole abdomen inward.
  • Hold for a few seconds.
  • Then release and relax.

2. Agnisarkriya

  • Sit on floor cross-legged.
  • Inhale a little and exhale completely, then move your abdomen muscles in and out for a few times while holding breathe out.
  • Release when you feel complete and relax.
This exercise massages and relaxes all organs of that area.

The above two exercises are also beneficial for digestive system.

Don’t do them without consulting a doctor if you have any serious problem in that region.

By refining exercise

Refining exercise no.2, in the set of refining exercises, is very useful to open Manipur chakra. This exercise clears blockages and dissolves knots created by emotions during evolution of life. It calms down and balances Manipur chakra while activating kundali chakra.

This exercise is also useful to control diabetes, constipation and cholesterol. It improves functioning of digestive system, kidney, liver and spleen.

By yoga asana

Dhanurasana (Bow pose)


This asana is useful in opening and balancing Manipur chakra.
  • Lie down on floor on your abdomen with arms on your sides.
  • Bend your legs backwards to knees towards buttocks.
  • Hold legs from ankle by your hand
  • Lift your chest up and pull your legs and thighs upwards making an arch with body like a bow.
  • Hold it for a few seconds.
  • When you feel complete, release your hands and bring your chests and legs down and relax.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Manipur Chakra (Solar Plexus) Chakra

In this post, I will write about Manipur chakra of human energy system


Manipur chakra is the third chakra of the subtle energy system of astral body. It is the last chakra of three lower primary chakras. Manipur is a Sanskrit word. ‘Mani’ means gems or jewels and ‘pur’ means place or city. So Manipur means ‘city of jewels’ or ‘place of gems’.


It is located four finger width above the navel. It is situated at the third crossing of ida, pingla and sushumna nadi along spine. The superficial activation point is located above the navel.


It is a solid ball of energy in bright yellow colour in its clear state and rotating anti clockwise. 10 nadis are emanating from this chakra which looks like 10-petalled lotus flower. It is associated with the physical element of fire, more subtle and more powerful than the two previous elements, earth and water. The endocrine glands controlled by it are pancreas and adrenal cortex. It is called belly brain or abdominal brain. It is like a counterpart of a brain. It links to the abdominal brain or sympathetic nervous system of the physical body. Literally, grey mass of matter which looks like brain is seen here in this part of the body right beneath the diaphragm and above the navel.

The seed mantra or sound to activate it is ‘ram’. This sound is developed from vibrations caused by meeting of nadis at this centre. The emotion of fear is the major emotion associated with it. It is purely emotional chakra. Its counterpart in physical body is solar plexus. In Chinese system of energy healing, this area is believed to produce and absorb life force energy from the universe.


Manipur chakra is associated with body organs such as stomach, spleen, liver, pancreas, digestive system and kidneys. It is the seat of digestive fire. It governs digestion and metabolism. It regulates the function of pancreas. The pancreas produces an important enzyme called insulin involved in digestion of starch and sugar, converting them to energy useful to body. The pancreas is like a sponge which absorbs and holds negative emotions in it, especially fear. When it gets filled with emotions, it creates blockages and knots and causes diabetes. Endocrine glands, pancreas and adrenal cortex play a vital role in digestion and how we convert food into energy useful for physical strength and vigour.

As I said earlier, fear is a major negative emotion associated with this chakra. Fear of failure, economic failure, fear of authority, fears of illness, psychic fear, fear that I will not be loved, fear of death etc. More frequent occurrence of fear and holding it for a long time converts normal fear into psychic
fear. We start living in fear. It causes blockages and knots in this system. When awakened kundalini energy rises up, lower psychic level pushes it down and does not allow it to rise above this level. This area is centre of lower psychic nature.

The fire element associated with it creates body heat within the body. It regulates digestive fire and controls energy balance. The food we eats acts as firewood for digestive fire. Good quality food generates good digestive fire to digest food and good health, while bad food generates less energy and poorer health. In food we eat, not only nutrients are important, but also its subtle vibrations. Foods connected with pain, suffering or death of other living beings are of bad vibrations and they create negative effects on our physical health, thoughts and feelings.

The energy of consciousness reaches the third level here. Here, aspirant reaches important stage on the spiritual path. At this centre, we find jewels of clarity, wisdom, self confidence, physical and mental well-being. Energy of creativity starts transforming into energy of love and happiness at this centre. Negative emotions change to positive attributes. The envy and greed, changes to goodwill and moderation. Pride and jealousy change to modesty and generosity. Prejudice change to respect and ignorance changes to clarity and knowledge.

This chakra is the most important energy centre for our physical and emotional well being. It is associated with the functioning of the aura or psychic energy field. It has magnetic like effect to attract life force energy from the universe. It is a power house which stores and distributes life force energy within body and in aura. When this chakra is activated, it channels plenty of energy into aura to give you strong positive shell.

It increases vitality and strengthens willpower. This centre gives you power to initiate and energize plans and ideas. When this chakra is balanced, you can take charge of your mind and use your willpower to direct your mental focus whenever and wherever you desire. You possess power to choose and discriminate. With balanced chakra, we move through life confident and assured of our abilities. We can choose our own beliefs rather than confirming beliefs imposed upon us. It is considered centre of energy of dynamism, willpower, achievement and vitality.

When Manipur chakra is imbalanced, we are either overconfident or under confident. We either have lack of energy or have too much energy.

Heated negative emotions of anger, rage and aggression draws energy from this centre and weakens it. So many diseases such as diabetes, acidity, arthritis, gout, overweight, cholesterol, abdominal pain, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea etc are result of malfunctioning or blocked Manipur chakra. Some of the emotional symptoms of malfunctioning of this chakra are fear, anger, bitterness, anxiety, unresolved anger, chronic complaining etc.

When this chakra is opened and balanced, 72 subtle points which are situated in this area also gets activated. The organs of this area, spleen, kidney, liver, digestive system, start working in balance harmony and coordination with each other. When this chakra is cleaned and balanced then other small but important kundali chakra which is located here gets activated and starts rotating clockwise. At this point Manipur chakra becomes relaxed and calm. We come out of lower psychic nature and start behaving like true human beings.

This chakra should be cleaned and refined and all negative cellular memories should be healed and cleared by certain yogic practices. Certain yogic exercises such as udiyanbandh, agnisarkriya, refining exercise no.2 in set of refining exercise helps to open and balance this chakra. Some yoga practitioners in beginning of meditation always first concentrate on Manipur chakra to relax and open it. Then the other two, muladhar and swadhistan will be automatically relaxed and opened. The yoga asanas such as dhanurasana (bow pose) is also good to balance it.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Garlic and its health benefits

In this post, I will write about garlic and its health benefits.



Garlic is odoriferous bulb belonging to the lily family of onions, leeks and chives. Garlic bulb is divided into sections called cloves. Each clove has a covering of thin layer which protects them from losing moisture and rotting. It can stay at room temperature for a long time. Its scientific name is Allium Satum.


Throughout history, it is used for medicinal and culinary purposes. It is one of the oldest plants grown in the world. It has been grown for more than 4000 years. It is native to central Asia. China, India, Spain, USA and South Korea are among the top commercial producers.

Chemical composition

Garlic is packed with vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain good health. Some of this includes manganese, calcium, zinc, potassium, protein etc. It is an excellent source of manganese 15%, Vitamin B6 11%, Vitamin C 9.3%, Vitamin B and B2. Garlic has germanium, an anti-cancer agent, more than any other herb. It is also a good source of selenium. The selenium is an important part of body’s antioxidant system. Apart from all these nutrients, it has active compounds called Allicin and diallyl sulphide. Sulphur is a key element of our health and it is the cause of its pungent odor.

Health benefits

Immune system

Garlic’s most potent health benefit is its ability to enhance the body’s immune system. Its most active compound Allicin is a powerful antibiotic. Allicin inhibits the ability of germs to grow and reproduce. It’s effective against toxic bacteria, viruses and fungus.

Skin disease

It can heal some stubborn skin diseases such as ringworm infection and eczema, not healing by other means. For that crush garlic. Keep it for 10-15 minutes. Apply on affected skin. Let it dry. It will burn but it will cure the skin problem.

Ear infection

It may help to cure ear infection. For that, crush garlic. Put a little cooking oil and heat it at low heat until the garlic paste gets dried. Let it cool and use it as ear drop.

Blood pressure

Allicin is a powerful antioxidant and transmits cellular signals that relax and dilates blood vessels and increase blood flow. Due to this action, it may help to equalize blood pressure whether low or high.

Cardiovascular system

Various studies on garlic to study its medicinal uses confirm that it can reduce cholesterol. Being an antioxidant, it helps scavenge harmful free radicals. It lowers triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol in blood serum, thus prevents arteriosclerosis. It is blood thinner and reduces blood clotting. In this way, it would reduce risk of heart attack and stroke. Vitamin B6 present in garlic prevents heart disease by lowering homocysteine levels in blood. The homocysteine is a by-product of protein breakdown which causes inflammation and damages to blood vessels.


When garlic is crushed and kept for 10-15 minutes, it triggers enzyme reactions that produce a variety of compounds called allyl polysulphides. Various studies done to study the health benefits of garlic found that when garlic is eaten, human red blood cells emit hydrogen sulphide. Human red blood cells can take sulphur containing molecules called polysulphides and use them to produce hydrogen sulphides. So it appears that garlic has power to boost production of natural supply of hydrogen sulphide in the body which may help to protect the body against various types of cancers including breast, prostate, and colon cancer.


It seems to reduce inflammation and pain in the body making it beneficial for people with arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Other uses

  • It is a good remedy for common cold and flu.
  • It also regulates blood sugar in diabetes.
  • Allyl sulphide present in garlic may help improve iron metabolism.
Due to its numerous benefits, sometimes it is called wonder drug.

How to use

The best and most effective way to use garlic as medicine or herb is by crushing it.
  • Take 2-3 cloves of garlic.
  • Remove the covering.
  • Cut into small pieces and crush it into paste in a stainless steel bowl.
  • Leave it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Add some water and drink it.
  • Take it half an hour after meal.
  • Continue to drink more water for some time.

 Side effects

The main social reason people don’t like to use it is because of its bad smell. It makes breathe and sweat smell like garlic. Eating fennel seeds or drinking lemon juice helps to reduce its smell.

Excessive use or large dose may produce problems such as irritation or damage to digestive tract.

If you are on blood thinning medication such as warfarin or aspirin you should consult a doctor before using it.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

How to open or balance swadhistan chakra.

In this post, I will write about different ways to activate or balance swadhistan chakra.

By meditation

-          Sit cross-legged on floor or on chair with spine erect and breathing normally.
-          Take your awareness at the place of swadhistan chakra in the body.
-           Imagine solid ball of energy in bright orange colour and in clear state rotating clockwise.
-          Chant mentally sound ‘vam’ as if you are knocking for it to open.
-          Continue for few minutes.

By Yogic exercises.

Ashvinimudra (contraction of anus)

    Sit crossed legged on floor with spine erect or straight.
  • Squeeze and contract anus. Hold for a few seconds and relax.
  • Repeat for a few times while breathing normally

By refining exercise

In the set of refining exercises, exercise no. 3 also helps to open swadhistan chakra together with muladhar chakra when done regularly. When energy of rootedness gets refined and rises up, it gets transformed to energy of creativity. When it reaches swadhistan chakra, it opens up swadhistan chakra.

By yogic asanas.

A good yoga posture that helps to open swadhistan chakra is bhujangasana (the cobra pose)

Lie down on your abdomen; stretch your legs out with toes pointed. Bring your hands near your shoulders and palms faced down and elbows on your sides. Place your forehead on the floor.

Lift your head as if you are watching a wall in front of you. Then allow your upper body to lift up gently without putting pressure on your hands. Now lift up your chest and upper body by pressing the palms down. Lift up more without causing any pain on the back. Your navel may be off the floor, but pelvis remaining on the floor. Expand your chest and take a few breathes.

 Hold it for few seconds. When you feel complete release pressure off your palms and allow yourself to come down on the floor. Put your arms under your head like a pillow and rest your head on one side and relax.

Other benefits of bhujangasanas are:
  • It strengthens and tones back muscles.
  • It may help to relocate slipped discs.
  • It relieves back pains and helps to keep spine flexible and healthy.
  • Stretches chest and lungs.
  • Firms buttocks.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Swadhishtan (sacral) chakra


In this post, I will write about swadhistan chakra. Swadhistan chakra is the second chakra in series of the seven chakras of human subtle energy system. Swadhistan is a Sanskrit word. ‘Swa’ means self or own, ‘adhistan’ means abode or place of residence. So it’s called ‘self abode or own place of residence.


Swadhistan chakra is located at the root of the reproductive organ, two fingers width above muladhar chakra. It is located along the spine within sushumna nadi. At the second junction of ida, pingala and sushumna nadis.


Six yoga nadis emanate from this chakra. So it looks like a six-petalled lotus flower.  It has a bright orange colour in its clear state. It is rotating clockwise. It is connected with the physical element of water, more subtle and more powerful than the element of earth. At this chakra, energy is vibrating at a higher frequency and has more power than energy at root chakra. Its seed mantra or sound to activate it is ‘vam’.


It is associated with reproductive and urinary system. Body organs controlled by this chakra are kidney, bladder, genitals, lower abdomen, and lumbar region of spine. Endocrine glands associated with it are testes and ovaries, producing hormones, testosterone or estrogen, important for sexual behavior or reproduction.

The union of male sperm and female egg produces fertilization, the little most body part called zygote. Zygote is the first master cell. Later it divides into two cells. In astral body, they form muladhar chakra and swadhistan chakra. The spermatozoa and eggs are locations where latent genetic information is stored.

The swadhistan chakra contains unconscious desires, especially sexual desires and unconscious memories of this life and previous lives. It is a place of residence of all human mental impressions or sanskaras. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to raise kundalini energy, the energy of consciousness, above this chakra. Many yogis or practitioners have to face sexual temptations associated with this chakra.

It is associated with creativity and sexuality. The energy of creativity is generated here. It supplies us with energy of creativity of thinking. The energy of creativity fuels our thinking process by breaking down fat particles into brain cells. It connects us with the inner source of inspiration and pure knowledge.

The person with a well-balanced swadhistan chakra has a lot of joy in their life. They are creative, energetic and dynamic in all their activities. They understand needs of others. They continuously learn new techniques through their experiences. Any technique they learn, they transform and improve it,  and put into practise to improve quality of life of oneself and others. As this chakra is associated with water, a person with balanced chakra has inventive and flexible nature. Like water, he or she can adjust under obstacles of life and adapt to any situations.

As this chakra fuels our thinking process, excessive thinking exhaust this centre. Exhaustion of this centre affects functioning of some organs like liver, kidney, pancreas, lower abdomen which are associated with it.

Some of the physical symptoms of malfunctioning of this chakra are bladder and kidney problems, menstrual trouble, impotency etc. The emotional symptoms are nervousness, desire to hide, depression, emotional overflow etc.

Unbalanced swadhistan chakra can be balanced or healed by certain yogic practices such as shakti chaalan mudra (contraction and relaxation of anus and perineum), ashvini mudra (contraction of anus), yogic asanas and pranayamas.